A Message from the Cap and Gown Board Chair
August 7, 2020 Update: In the face of the COVID pandemic, Princeton has made the difficult decision to go fully virtual for Fall 2020.
A decision had already been made for the clubs to be closed this fall as the best response to a difficult and unprecedented situation. The University, recognizing the impact of closing on the clubs, has provided funds to help cover fixed costs of the clubs while we are closed this fall. This deeply appreciated University support will ensure the immediate viability of Cap and Gown until we are able to open.
When we reopen, whether it is the spring or fall of 2021 or even later, we will be faced with a difficult economy and students who may need increased financial aid support for club membership. Cap members and alumni responded generously to the news of our unprecedented closing in March, and we are thankful for continued support during this crisis for the Cap Annual Fund.
We are taking the opportunity when everyone is connecting online, to launch Cap Connections, a career and mentoring program for our undergraduate members and young alumni. We'll be announcing a series of online Career Panels.
We all look forward the day we will be back at the club again, together.
Tom Fleming '69
Cap and Gown Board Chair