Reunions Cocktail Party for Cap Women
Women celebrating their 30th reunion, including Keri Briggs ’82, Chrissie Osborn ’82, Penny (Bunn) McCoor ’82, Molly (Mellville) Hill ’82, and Lisa Blair ’82. Carol Brown ’75 also pictured.
Serena Dayal ’07, Jessica Gutierrez ’07, Krysta Banfield ‘07
On Friday, June 2nd Cap hosted its 5th Annual Reunions Cocktail Party for the women of The Cap and Gown Club under glorious blue skies. Women from the Classes of 1972 through to 2017 were invited to the event which was exceptionally well attended. As in previous years, the roof deck was the scene of the festivities and Cap women donning their beer jackets and major reunions costumes mingled over rosé and canapés.
This tradition, hosted every year on the Friday afternoon of reunions, is a lovely opportunity for two generations of Cap women to re-connect, share old memories and create new ones.
More than a few mentors and mentees were reunited on the roof deck – women who’d forged professional bonds far away from Princeton but for whom those bonds stemmed from the shared memories of their old Eating Club, for instance Serena Dayal ’07 and Lucy Lee ’14.
The class of 1987 (celebrating their thirtieth reunion with the theme “True Colors: Orange and Black”), the class of 1992 (celebrating their twenty-fifth with the theme “Orange and Black to the Future”) and the class of 2007 (celebrating their tenth reunion with the theme “Wet Hot Princeton Summer”) were especially well represented although women from many more alumni classes along with their families enjoyed the festivities in the sunshine.
For current Cap Social Chair, Annie Hadley ’18, and Athletics Chair, Paulita Lara Mejia ’18, it was their first time at the event as they represented the undergraduate officers.
Meanwhile the “Great Marinara Sauce Spillage of 2017” an incident whose name is self-explanatory, left certain members of the wonderful Class of ’92 doused in red sauce albeit in fits of laughter. Certainly hilarious new memories of Cap to add to the stacks of old ones!
We look forward to continuing this tradition and to welcoming many more Cap women back to the club during Reunions 2018 (May 31 – June 3, 2018). Ladies of Cap – mark it in your calendars!
Paulita Mejia ’18 and Annie Hadley ’18